Details: When using one of the services in Encompass to import documents into the eFolder, the resulting documents contain Garbled, gibberish, and/or jumbled text.
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The following steps include the modification, addition, or deletion of registry keys and should be reviewed by your IT team.  Modifying, adding, or removing registry keys outside of what is listed below may result in adverse effects.

Typically, this caused because the selected Document Converter is experiencing an issue converting a html form into a PDF document within the eFolder. Some instances where Encompass leverages document converter are in services like Loan Prospector Advisor, credit report request, underwriting request, etc. To remedy this issue, try selecting one of the other two document converters that Encompass offers, by following the steps below:

Determine if the operating system on the machine is Windows 32 bit or 64 bit. This information can be found on the System menu of Control Panel.
- Windows Start menu -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> System

Open the Windows program Regedit on the machine to create an Encompass registry key value.
- For 32 bit machines: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Ellie Mae/Encompass
- For 64 bit machines: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Ellie Mae/Encompass

From this directory, create a new String Value.
- Right-click the empty space within the window.
- Select New
- Select String Value
Name the new string value "UseWebKitConverter"

Updating the Document Converter, with the use of  the UseWebKitConverter registry, allows you to select which converter the machine uses for document conversion. Setting UseWebKitConverter to either value 0, 1, or 2 will select a different converter for Encompass to use.

"0" = BlackIce converter [This should NEVER be set to 0]
"1" = ExpertPdf
"2" = wkhtml

By default, Encompass uses the document converter, ExpertPdf. In the past, this document converter has shown incompatibility issues with some proxies. In these cases, we recommend switching to the document converter wkhtml as an alternative. This can be accomplished by setting UseWebKitConverter to a value of 2.

This information is intended for general information purposes only and to assist customers in understanding system functionality. It should not be construed as legal advice or opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. You are advised to consult your own compliance staff or attorney regarding your specific residential mortgage lending questions or situation to ensure your compliance with applicable laws and regulations.