**2023-04-26 Update from our tech support with below disclaimers**
If you are using 32-bit version of Adobe Reader/Acrobat, try uninstalling it and installing the
64-bit version of Adobe Reader/Acrobat

Encompass Crash (without Encompass Error) When Printing/Viewing/Displaying Files Within Encompass
NTDLL Error.png

Article Number: 30494
Created On: Oct 30, 2019
Updated On: Apr 22, 2020

Details: User may experience Encompass crashes when performing different Encompass functions like printing, viewing, and displaying files (basically any function where adobe is utilized).
This crash happens suddenly and without an Encompass or Adobe error displaying

When this happens, pull up the user's Windows Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application and check for the application error that logged at the time of the crash.
If you find the faulty module name being ntdll.dll, please see Resolution for next steps.

Please see attachment for example of error.
Article Details:
The following steps include the modification, addition, or deletion of registry keys and should be reviewed by your IT team. Modifying, adding, or removing registry keys outside of what is listed below may result in adverse effects.

Have the user log out of Encompass.

Navigate to the following registry locations:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
Find and delete any value referencing Encompass.exe in this location.
Please make sure you check both locations (HKey Current User and Hkey Local Machine). I have seen a lot of clients registries have this in Current User, but it can also be in Local Machine
Adobe has notified us that this value is created when errors occur during installation or runtime. So to ensure this value does not get recreated in the future, we want to exclude the Encompass application from PCA (Program Compatibility Assistant).
To complete this action, navigate to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags \Compatibility Assistant
If the Multi-String value,  ExecutablesToExclude (name),  does not already exist, create a new “Multi-String Value” with the same name (ExecutablesToExclude). Then copy and paste the Encompass.exe file path into the data window like below.

C:\SmartClientCache\Apps\Ellie Mae\Encompass\Encompass.exe
Have the user log back in and then retry the Encompass function that initially caused the error.


Summary: Encompass by default uses Adobe to view documents, including Mavent compliance reports. The following two defects were reported for "Encompass Crashing" related issues/errors as a result of viewing and printing documents in the eFolder, and viewing Mavent Compliance Reports using Adobe:

EDM-19367: Application hang or freeze after previewing forms locks up Encompass
CE-22595: Use GDPicture14 to render Mavent Compliance Review orders/previews, alleviate Adobe (10:10) error

- Encompass crashing/freezing due to “unknown faulting module” or “ntdll.dll” as seen in Event Viewer when previewing PDFs from the eFolder
- Error: There is a problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. If it is running, please exit and try again (10:10)
- Smart Client shuts down/crashes when ordering Compliance Report or viewing the Compliance review




To Implement GDPicture 14 to view and print documents instead of the default Adobe viewer, add the below registry and restart the Encompass Smart Client:

For 32bit: 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ellie Mae\Encompass\GDPicturePreview - set value to 1

For 64bit: 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Ellie Mae\Encompass\ GDPicturePreview - set value to 1

EDM-19367: Application hang or freeze after previewing forms locks up Encompass
Fix Deployed in Encompass 18.3 for eFolder to switch to using GDPicture 14 for document viewing and printing, if the above registry is enabled on the client workstation.

CE-22595: Use GDPicture14 to render Mavent Compliance Review orders/previews, alleviate Adobe (10:10) error
Fix deployed in December 2018 Service Pack (12/15/18) for Mavent to switch to using GDPicture 14 for viewing Compliance Reports, if the above registry is enabled on the client workstation. 

This information is intended for general information purposes only and to assist customers in understanding system functionality. It should not be construed as legal advice or opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. You are advised to consult your own compliance staff or attorney regarding your specific residential mortgage lending questions or situation to ensure your compliance with applicable laws and regulations.